Chronology of Events - Air France Flight 358, Airbus A340-313

The information in the chronology of events has been provided by various sources to the Transportation Safety Board of Canada within the context of the Air France Airbus A340-313 accident investigation (A05H0002).

Registration Number of Aircraft: F-GLZQ, built in 1999
Model: A340-313
Number of Engines: 4
Range: 13 350 km
Maximum Take-off Weight: 276 500 kg
Wing Span: 60.3 m
Typical Passenger Seats: 295
Actual Number of Passengers on Flight 358: 297
Crew Members Aboard Flight 358: 12
Runway: 24 Left, 9000 feet (2728 m) in length

02 August 11:53 UTC Air France (AFR) Flight 358 departs Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris, France, for Lester B. Pearson International Airport, Toronto, Canada
20:00 UTC AFR Flight 358 cleared for landing on Runway 24L
20:01 UTC AFR Flight 358 touches down on Runway 24L
20:02 UTC AFR Flight 358 overruns Runway 24L and comes to rest in ravine
20:03 UTC Crash alarm activated and emergency response initiated

Note: All times are approximate and reported in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Photos of the event, are also available on this site.